钟苑宁, 王慧丽, 高碧玮, 乔匀周, 马玉诏, 李永鹏, 董宝娣. 玉米高温胁迫研究热点及前沿探究[J]. 中国生态农业学报 (中英文), 2024, 32(0): 1−13. DOI: 10.12357/cjea.20240114
引用本文: 钟苑宁, 王慧丽, 高碧玮, 乔匀周, 马玉诏, 李永鹏, 董宝娣. 玉米高温胁迫研究热点及前沿探究[J]. 中国生态农业学报 (中英文), 2024, 32(0): 1−13. DOI: 10.12357/cjea.20240114
ZHONG Y N, WANG H L, GAO B W, QIAO Y Z, MA Y Z, LI Y P, DONG B D. Research hotspots and frontiers analysis of heat stress in maize[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2024, 32(0): 1−13. DOI: 10.12357/cjea.20240114
Citation: ZHONG Y N, WANG H L, GAO B W, QIAO Y Z, MA Y Z, LI Y P, DONG B D. Research hotspots and frontiers analysis of heat stress in maize[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2024, 32(0): 1−13. DOI: 10.12357/cjea.20240114


Research hotspots and frontiers analysis of heat stress in maize

  • 摘要: 玉米作为全球第一大粮食作物, 在维护全球粮食安全方面具有至关重要的地位。然而, 全球气候变暖导致高温天气频发, 对玉米的生长和产量造成了严重限制。因此, 深入探究全球玉米高温胁迫领域的研究热点和前沿趋势, 有助于应对气候变化带来的高温挑战, 促进玉米产业的可持续发展。本文利用CiteSpace软件, 对1990—2023年间Web of Science核心数据库收录的4255篇玉米高温胁迫的相关论文进行关键词共现、聚类和突现分析。结果表明, 玉米高温胁迫领域的研究热点主要集中在4个方面: 玉米在高温胁迫下的生长与产量变化、生理响应、分子机制和应对策略。深入探索这4个方面的研究进展, 发现不同生育期的高温胁迫对玉米构成不同程度的伤害, 减产幅度由高到低表现为花期>灌浆期>穗期>苗期; 高温胁迫还会引起玉米多个生理生化特征的变化, 包括光合作用受损、生物膜透性增加、活性氧过度积累和激素失衡等; 玉米响应高温胁迫的分子机制研究重点关注基因表达和热休克蛋白运作, 但耐热机制仍未明晰; 通过综合运用农艺措施与育种技术, 包括播期调整、科学水肥管理和生长调节剂的合理施用以及耐热品种的培育, 可以有效缓解高温胁迫, 促进玉米高产稳产。此外, 玉米响应高温胁迫的转录调控机制是该领域的关键研究前沿, 也将是未来较长时间内研究的热门课题。本文全面回顾了过去34年玉米高温胁迫领域的文献, 为玉米耐高温研究及缓解措施的制定提供了有益参考。


    Abstract: As the world’s largest food crop, maize plays a vital role in maintaining global food security. However, global warming has led to frequent high temperature weather, which has severely limited the growth and yield of maize. Therefore, in-depth exploration of the research hotspots and frontiers in the field of global maize high temperature stress will help to cope with the challenges brought by climate change and promote the sustainable development of the maize industry. In this paper, CiteSpace software was used to analyze the annual number of the keyword co-occurrence, clustering and brust of 4255 papers related to high temperature stress of maize included in the Web of Science core database from 1990 to 2023. The results showed that the research hotpots mainly focuses on four aspects: growth and yield changes, physiological response, molecular mechanism and coping strategies of maize under high temperature stress. Through in-depth exploration of the research progress of these four aspects, it was found that high temperature stress at different growth stages caused different degrees of damage to maize, and the yield reduction range from high to low was flowering stage>filling stage>heading stage>seedling stage. High temperature stress can also cause changes in multiple physiological and biochemical characteristics of maize, including impaired photosynthesis, increased biofilm permeability, excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen species, and hormone imbalance. The molecular mechanism of maize in response to high temperature stress focuses on gene expression and heat shock protein operation, but the specific heat tolerance mechanism is still unclear. Through the comprehensive application of agronomic measures and breeding techniques, including sowing date adjustment, scientific water and fertilizer management, rational application of growth regulators and cultivation of heat-tolerant varieties, high temperature stress can be effectively alleviated and high and stable yield of maize can be promoted. In addition, the transcriptional regulation mechanism of maize in response to high temperature stress is the current research frontier and will also be a hot topic in future research. This paper comprehensively reviewed the literature on high temperature stress in maize in the past 34 years, which provided a useful reference for the study of high temperature resistance of maize and the formulation of mitigation measures.


