陈国雄, 张志谦, 吴祖荣, 杨海军, 彭小玉. 沙漠腹地盐水灌溉条件下蔬菜种植技术初探[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 1995, 3(3): 21-25.
引用本文: 陈国雄, 张志谦, 吴祖荣, 杨海军, 彭小玉. 沙漠腹地盐水灌溉条件下蔬菜种植技术初探[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 1995, 3(3): 21-25.
Chen Guoxong, Zhang Zhiqian, Wu Zurong, Yang Haijun, Peng Xiaoyu. A preliminary Study on Vegetable Growing Techniques is Desert Hinterland Under Saline Irrigation Condition[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 1995, 3(3): 21-25.
Citation: Chen Guoxong, Zhang Zhiqian, Wu Zurong, Yang Haijun, Peng Xiaoyu. A preliminary Study on Vegetable Growing Techniques is Desert Hinterland Under Saline Irrigation Condition[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 1995, 3(3): 21-25.


A preliminary Study on Vegetable Growing Techniques is Desert Hinterland Under Saline Irrigation Condition

  • 摘要: 沙漠腹地盐水灌溉条件下种植蔬菜首先要建立防风固沙体系,在基础上对20种蔬菜进行适应性筛选,选出西葫芦、甜瓜、茄子等9种适应性较强的蔬菜并建议推广。同时,摸索出沙漠腹地盐水灌溉条件下蔬菜种植的关键技术:育苗移栽,苗期集中管理;底肥大量施用腐熟有机肥,追肥少量勤施;喷灌与漫灌相结合,以水压盐;植株精细调整,协调营养生长和生殖生长等。


    Abstract: To grow vegetables in the hinterland of desert by saline irrigation,firstly a sand shifting control system was constructed.Based on this adaptive faculty of 20varieties of vegetables to this region were studied for selecting the suitable breed. From the results,9 varieties from the 20 such as custard squash,water melon,eggplant and etc. have the highest adaptibility to this region and suggestions were given for their extension.The studies also presented the key technicals forgrowing vegetables by saline irrigation in this region:growing seed for transplantation,intensive management during darlier stages,large quantity well-rotted farmyard manure as base fertilizer,regular top dressing but smaller amount every time,combination sprinkling irrigation with surface flooding for salt leaching,carefully adjust the vegetables to coordinate the nutritive and productive growth.


