朱从桦, 张嘉莉, 王兴龙, 张頔, 康云海, 孔凡磊, 袁继超. 硅磷配施对低磷土壤春玉米干物质积累、分配及产量的影响[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2016, 24(6): 725-735.
引用本文: 朱从桦, 张嘉莉, 王兴龙, 张頔, 康云海, 孔凡磊, 袁继超. 硅磷配施对低磷土壤春玉米干物质积累、分配及产量的影响[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2016, 24(6): 725-735.
ZHU Conghua, ZHANG Jiali, WANG Xinglong, ZHANG Di, KANG Yunhai, KONG Fanlei, YUAN Jichao. Effects of combined application of silicon and phosphorus fertilizers on dry matter accumulation and distribution and grain yield of spring maize in low phosphorus soils[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2016, 24(6): 725-735.
Citation: ZHU Conghua, ZHANG Jiali, WANG Xinglong, ZHANG Di, KANG Yunhai, KONG Fanlei, YUAN Jichao. Effects of combined application of silicon and phosphorus fertilizers on dry matter accumulation and distribution and grain yield of spring maize in low phosphorus soils[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2016, 24(6): 725-735.


Effects of combined application of silicon and phosphorus fertilizers on dry matter accumulation and distribution and grain yield of spring maize in low phosphorus soils

  • 摘要: 以玉米品种‘正红2号’和‘正红115’为材料, 通过2014年和2015年的田间小区定位试验, 研究低磷土壤条件下, 硅磷肥配施对玉米拔节期和吐丝期的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和叶面积指数, 拔节期、吐丝期、灌浆期和成熟期干物质积累和分配, 产量及产量构成因素的影响, 探讨施硅及硅磷配施的增产效果。结果显示, 与对照(不施磷肥和硅肥)相比, 施磷、施硅和硅磷配施处理均可提高玉米拔节期和吐丝期的叶面积指数和净光合速率, 增加拔节期、吐丝期、灌浆期和成熟期各生育阶段的干物质积累量, 降低灌浆期和成熟期叶片的干物质分配比例和灌浆期茎鞘的干物质分配比例, 提高籽粒干物质分配比例和收获指数, 降低秃尖长度, 增加穗长, 最终提高穗粒数、千粒重和籽粒产量; 其中施用磷肥增加或降低上述指标的效应明显大于施用硅肥, 硅磷配施增加或降低上述指标的效应又明显大于单施磷肥或单施硅肥, 硅和磷表现出明显的协同作用和配合效应。2014年和2015年玉米籽粒产量均与拔节期、吐丝期、灌浆期和成熟期干物质积累量呈显著正相关; 与单施磷肥相比, 硅磷配施处理分别增产1 288.57 kg·hm-2(2014年)和1 313.61 kg·hm-2(2015年), 且2015年的增幅明显大于2014年, 硅、磷表现出稳定的增产效应。综上所述, 在四川丘陵低磷土壤条件下, 合理进行硅磷肥配施, 既能提高玉米生育前期物质生产能力和干物质积累量, 又能改善生育后期干物质在玉米各器官中的分配, 促进籽粒灌浆结实, 最终提高籽粒产量。


    Abstract: In order to explore the benefits of combined application of silicon and phosphate on maize production, a field plot experiment was conducted from 2014 to 2015. The effects of different rates of phosphate and silicon fertilizers application on leaf area index, net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate at jointing and silking stages, dry matter accumulation in different organs at jointing, silking, grain-filling and maturity stages, and grain yield and yield components of spring maize were investigated using maize varieties ‘ZH2’ and ‘ZH115’ in low phosphorus soils. Compared with control plot (P0Si0), net photosynthetic rate and leaf area index at jointing and silking stages increased significantly under application of phosphorus, silicon fertilizers and the combined application of both fertilizers. Also dry matter accumulation at jointing, silking, grain-filling and maturity stages, dry grain weight ratio at grain-filling and maturity stages, and grains per ear, spike length, 1000-kernel weight and gain yield increased under the above three fertilization treatments. However, dry weight ratio of leaf at filling and maturity stage, dry weight ratio of stem and sheath at grain-filling stage and bare top length decreased. Specifically for phosphorus fertilization treatment, the increases or reductions in the above mentioned parameters were more obvious than those for silicon fertilization treatment. The largest changes were found in the combined application of phosphorus and silicon fertilizers. There was a significantly synergic effect on the investigated parameters between phosphorus fertilizer and silicon fertilizer. Furthermore, grain yield of corn was positively related with dry matter accumulation at jointing stage, silking stage, grain-filling stage and maturity stage in 2014–2015. Compared with phosphorus fertilizer treatment, grain yield increased by 1 288.57 kg·hm-2 (in 2014) and 1 313.61 kg·hm-2 (in 2015) under combined phosphorus and silicon fertilization treatment. This indicated that there was a sustainable increase in yield due to the combined application of phosphorus and silicon fertilizers. In summary, dry matter accumulation and photosynthesis improved during the early growth stage, dry matter distribution rate in each plant part was optimized during the later growth stage, and maize yield eventually increased by the combined application of phosphorus and silicon fertilizers in low available phosphorus soils in the hilly uplands of Sichuan Basin.


