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      Efficient utilization of various water sources in farmlands in the low plain nearby Bohai Sea
      ZHANG Xiying, LIU Xiaojing, CHEN Suying, SUN Hongyong, SHAO Liwei, NIU Junfang
      2016, 24(8): 995-1004.
      Abstract PDF
      Advances in agricultural practices for attenuating salt stress under saline water irrigation
      NIU Junfang, FENG Junxia, LU Yang, CHEN Suying, ZHANG Xiying
      2016, 24(8): 1005-1015.
      Abstract PDF
      Advances and expectations of researches on saline soil reclamation by freezing saline water irrigation
      GUO Kai, JU Zhaoqiang, FENG Xiaohui, LI Xiaoguang, LIU Xiaojing
      2016, 24(8): 1016-1024.
      Abstract PDF
      Effect of seed priming on drought and salinity tolerance of wheat: An overview
      XIE Juanna, LU Yang, FANG Qin, ZHANG Xiying
      2016, 24(8): 1025-1034.
      Abstract PDF
      Nutrient cycling and balance in farmland ecosystem in Bohai Lowland Plain
      ZHANG Yuming, SUN Hongyong, LI Hongjun, LIU Xiaojing, HU Chunsheng, LIU Ketong, CUI Yuxi, ZHANG Manyi
      2016, 24(8): 1035-1048.
      Abstract PDF
      Effect of brackish water irrigation on soil salt balance and yield of both winter wheat and summer maize
      CHEN Suying, SHAO Liwei, SUN Hongyong, ZHANG Xiying, LI Yanfen
      2016, 24(8): 1049-1058.
      Abstract PDF
      HYDRUS-1D model simulation of soil water and salt movement under various brackish water use schemes in the North China Lowplain
      HE Kangkang, YANG Yanmin, YANG Yonghui
      2016, 24(8): 1059-1070.
      Abstract PDF
      Effects of pre-sowing irrigation and post-sowing soil compaction on water use and growth of winter wheat
      DANG Hongkai, CAO Caiyun, ZHENG Chunlian, MA Junyong, GUO Li, WANG Yanan, LI Wei, LI Kejiang
      2016, 24(8): 1071-1079.
      Abstract PDF
      Effects of irrigated field border length on grain yield and water use characteristics of winter wheat
      DONG Baodi, LIU Mengyu, QIAO Yunzhou, ZHANG Mingming, ZHAO Huan, YANG Hong, ZHENG Xin
      2016, 24(8): 1080-1087.
      Abstract PDF
      Effect of whole filed plastic mulching with bunch planting on soil thermal-moisture characteristics and winter wheat yield in the lowland plain of Hebei Province
      JU Zhaoqiang, DONG Baodi, SUN Hongyong, LIU Xiaojing
      2016, 24(8): 1088-1094.
      Abstract PDF
      Effects of sowing date and seeding density on growth, yield and water use efficiency of ‘Xiaoyan 60’ wheat under rainfed condition
      ZHANG Mingming, DONG Baodi, QIAO Yunzhou, ZHAO Huan, LIU Mengyu, CHEN Qinqin, YANG Hong, ZHENG Xin
      2016, 24(8): 1095-1102.
      Abstract PDF
      Impact of high temperature stress on grain-filling and the relief effect of foliage sprays during grain-filling stage of wheat
      CAO Caiyun, DANG Hongkai, ZHENG Chunlian, GUO Li, LI Kejiang, MA Junyong
      2016, 24(8): 1103-1113.
      Abstract PDF
      Research on exploiting wheat-maize grain yield theory and technology in the eastern low plain of Hebei Province
      SHAO Liwei, LUO Jianmei, YIN Gongchao, LIU Shuxun
      2016, 24(8): 1114-1122.
      Abstract PDF
      Production state and yield potential of wheat and maize in low-medium yield farmlands in Hebei Plain
      LUO Jianmei, JIN Genhui, LUO Zhongpeng, WANG Hongying, QI Yongqing, LIU Xingran, SHEN Yanjun
      2016, 24(8): 1123-1134.
      Abstract PDF
      Effect of water diversion on hydro-chemical characteristics of surface water and groundwater in lowland area of the North China Plain: A case study of Nanpi County, Hebei Province
      KONG Xiaole, WANG Shiqin, LIU Bingxia, SUN Hongyong
      2016, 24(8): 1135-1144.
      Abstract PDF
      Development mode of Cangzhou National Agricultural Science and Technology Park in Hebei Province, China
      SUN Hongyong, LIU Xiaojing, JU Zhaoqiang, GUO Kai, DONG Bofei
      2016, 24(8): 1145-1150.
      Abstract PDF
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