The microbial bionmss and enzylim activities of reclaimed minesoils in the heavy metal pollution area
The soil microbial biomass and soil enzyme activities in copper mining wasteland and non-minesoils were studied.The results indicate that the soll microbial biomasses C,N ,and P decline compared with those of the non-mine-soils.The ratio of Cmic/Corg can be as one of the soil microbial indexes in heavy metal pollution area.The soil enzyme activities display the similar pattern .T-test show that the differences in uresse,dehydrogenase,acid phosphtase between the H I1ing wastelan d and the non-minesoils are significant,the other enzyme activities are different significantly be twen the mining wasteland and the control,all of which may lead to the impairment of turnover and cycle velocity of C,N nutrition dements in minesoils.